Color and Smoke II – RGB Triptych

“There may be a great fire in our soul, yet no one ever comes to warm himself at it, and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke.” -Vincent van Gogh As promised, here is more smoke!  The three images were shot and processed individually and then combined into the triptych here.  I’ve combined them…… Continue reading Color and Smoke II – RGB Triptych

Color and Smoke I

Color and Smoke I

“Our world is a magical smoke screen.” –Catherine E. Coulson as The Log Lady, Twin Peaks One of the keys to becoming a better, more accomplished artist, is to explore new things, new techniques, new processes.  Through playing, much like a child, we learn and grow.  Many of the new and crazy things we try…… Continue reading Color and Smoke I

Chucks on a Wire

Chucks on a Wire

A pair of Converse Chuck Taylor (Chucks) athletic sneakers hanging from a power line over a street on the East Side of Milwaukee. My goal was to capture something outdoors and different than what I have done the last few days.  Cue Monty Python, “And now for something completely different!”  In framing this photograph, I…… Continue reading Chucks on a Wire


Water Colors

A watercolor paint tray on a white background.  There is something about a set of these simple paints that just makes me happy.  Perhaps it reminds me of the hours and hours I spent creating page after page of refrigerator masterpieces as a child.  Perhaps it is simply the spectrum of bright colors.  Whatever it…… Continue reading Watercolor

Strawberries and Blueberries

Strawberries and Blueberries

Mmmmm.  A nice bowl of fresh strawberries and blueberries.  I was inspired to take this shot as I fixed a quick breakfast for my son this morning.  It was a quick set up with only one DIY light and natural light from the office window – both on camera left.  Shot with a tripod and…… Continue reading Strawberries and Blueberries



I wanted to find an interesting shot of my son’s Hohner Ukulele and thought the fretboard would be cool.  So I slapped my nifty 50 onto my macro extension tube, placed it in front of my desk lamp – the only light in the shot – and shot hand held.  I knew I wanted to…… Continue reading Fretboard



A partially peeled Clementine orange over a textured teal background. And as I was shooting this, I was wondering exactly where this orange got it’s name. “It came to exist because of accidental hybridization.  The first fruits were discovered by Brother Clément Rodier (after whom the fruit was named) in the garden of his orphanage in…… Continue reading Clementine

Framed by Hands

Framed. A self-portrait.

Self-portrait – framed by my hands.  This is not a dance move – I am not “vogue-ing”.  I actually do this on occasion to visualize a shot if I don’t have a camera to look through.   Think of it as a poor man’s camera obscura. Day 113 of my 365 photo a day project. If you…… Continue reading Framed by Hands

Warp Speed

Warp speed

A shot of my son as he was running circles around the house, screaming and laughing.  Warp speed ahead! He certainly keeps me and my wife on our toes.  And in shape from chasing him in circles! Day 112 of my 365 photo a day project. If you are looking for art for your home…… Continue reading Warp Speed

Spillover II Sculpture – Atwater Park

Spillover II

The Spillover II Sculpture in Atwater Park overlooking a semi-frozen Lake Michigan in Shorewood, Wisconsin.  The sculpture,  installed in 2010, is by Spanish artist Jaume Plensa. Day 111 of 365.

Smiling Block Bins

Smiling Block Bins

The smiling block bins.  All lined up nicely, content, full, happy.  Take a good look.  In our house, with a toddler running around, this is a very rare occurrence.  I had to document that it actually does happen on occasion. Day 110 of 365.