365 Project – Days 1 – 5

I have seen many many people start a photo a day for a year project.  I’ve even seen some finish!   It seems like such a great learning experience as it forces you to shoot  and post something everyday – something I have not been doing.  So I’ve decided to give the 365 Project my best shot.  (pun intended)

Some shots will be highly polished and processed, some will be straight out of whatever camera I happen to have with me.  I hope some will even be really good! Some will even be old shots reprocessed.  However they turn out, I hope you enjoy them.

I’m a little late posting, I started Oct 1, so here are the first 5 shots.

Day 4Day 5 - Lunch

By Scott Norris

Emotion. Mood. Feelings. This is what I capture through my photographs. Whether it is landscapes, architectural elements, still life, or macros - it is a very personal journey as my own fears, triumphs, beliefs, and shortcomings are exposed with each photo. In the end, it is all about telling compelling stories.