Perpetual motion, a device or body that once set in motion would continue moving forever. Now, as it stands, such a machine is impossible due to friction and other natural forces. But there are days where it seems my son is living proof that such machines do, in fact, exist. He is always moving and running and talking and pointing and exploring.
I wanted to capture that energy and what better way than through intentional camera motion. By using a slow shutter speed and a large f-stop (f/22) and then tracking my running son, I was able to capture him in stride. This technique allows you to get lots of motion and blur while still showing the subject in semi-focus. It also allows me to stand still for a change while I photograph instead of chasing him around the yard!
Day 264 of my 365 photo a day project.

Looking for art for your home or office or something to spice up your digital desktop? Most of the images from this project are available as prints and digital downloads. You can also check out the rest of my portfolio here. And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss anything!