The monkey bars, the swings, the slides, and the fire poles. My son visited all of them multiple times on this summer morning visit to the playground. It was quite warm and humid. So I was doing my best to stay relatively still and in whatever shade was available. However, with a two and a half year old, that is easier said than done. In one of the rare moments of stillness, I was able to capture this shot of the yellow bars and the open expanse of bright blue sky. Another in what is proving to be a long list of simple, minimalist compositions in this project.
Day 311 of my 365 photo a day project.

Looking for art for your home or office or something to spice up your digital desktop? This image and most of the others from this project are available as prints and digital downloads. You can also check out the rest of my portfolio here. And don’t forget to subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss anything!