A dual street light, lighting the way to…who knows? There is something compelling and yet sad and lonely about a man-made structure like this lamp post isolated and removed from it’s normal environment. Framed like this, reality is hidden and the imagination takes over. Is this the top of a high-rise parking structure? A quiet suburban street? A lonely rural intersection?
Well, I’m not going to tell you where this was shot. 😉 The whole point of this minimalist photo is to remove distractions and strip away everything but the light. It is lighting the way to somewhere, but you have to decide where that is.
Day 232 of my 365 photo a day project.

If you are looking for art for your home or office or something to spice up your digital desktop, this image and most of the others from this project are available as prints and digital downloads. You can also check out the rest of my portfolio here.
Le Patriote dit :Est ce qu’il y a un paragraphe consacré àla &lr;so; qCEMAC&nbup;&aaquo; dans les programmes de société (s’ils existent!) de ces différents partis politiques? « Tant que la frontière camerounaise avec le Nigeria sera toujours poreuse, lui président de la republique n’acceptera pas la libre circulation au Gabon » dixit AMO. et les autres?