Today, I’m just going for a bit of texture. Ok, a lot of texture. This shot of brick and peeling paint was taken on a walk to the store. I’ve passed by this overhead door many times and have never stopped before. And now I think I’ll have to come back with my tripod and really spend some time here. Perhaps I won’t get any earth-shattering, jaw-dropping photographs, but I’ll have a whole bunch of textures I can use in other images and also my 3D animation and motion graphics work. Heck, I may even have a few texture packs for you to use too! Stay tuned for that.
Day 223 of my 365 photo a day project.

If you are looking for art for your home or office or something to spice up your digital desktop, this image and most of the others from this project are available as prints and digital downloads. You can also check out the rest of my portfolio here.