My image for today is intended as a metaphor for how I felt creatively trying to find a shot – empty, by any way you measure it. A photo a day project is fun, but it is also difficult. Finding something relatively interesting to shoot and/or process and post everyday for a whole year is proving to be quite daunting. Especially during the cold, grey, winter and early springtime when getting outside is a challenge.
However, one of the key lessons this project is teaching me about creating, is to use your thoughts and feelings. What I mean is to go where your mood and emotions lead you. Today I felt creatively empty. Well, what is or can be empty? Space, blackness, a room, sometimes my own head (my wife may say a lot more than sometimes!), and perhaps a glass. Ok, I went with a glass. How do you measure emptiness? How about a measuring cup? How about a vintage Speed Queen glass measuring cup? One thing leads to another and, bam! – you’ve got a least one good idea that may work.
Day 195 of my 365 photo a day project.