“When there is complete peace of mind when the outer world is chaotic, you will truly be free.”
–Matthew Donnelly, “Spirit of Motivation”
As humans, we always have that inner dialogue going on in our heads. Constant internal bickering and fighting like two children on the playground can really wear you out. I can do it. No you can’t. Yes I can! I bet you won’t! For me lately, it seems the negative voice is just a bit louder and slightly more persuasive than the positive. But it is cyclical. And at least I recognize the situation. The first step to fixing a problem is knowing the problem exists, right?
This image is my attempt to capture something that represented that inner conversation. I used my Diana+ 20mm plastic fisheye lens and deliberate camera motion to create the surreal, dreamy look I was after. The soft focus of the lomography lens, the wide angle, and the graininess of the black and white conversion all added to the mood. Now if I can just get the voices to stop arguing – I need to get some sleep!
Day 192 of my 365 photo a day project.