This is riff on the shot from yesterday of the Rotunda in the lobby of the Milwaukee Public Library downtown location. I will often finish processing a shot and then see what crazy off-the-wall things I can do with it. This is the dome from the foyer simply repeated 4 times in Photoshop. Since I am also a 3D animator/motion graphics artist, I’ve been working on incorporating 3D elements into my images. Sometimes it may be particle effects for texture, structural elements for extending buildings or walls, or elements to add shadows or reflections.
For this piece, I originally was only going to add the shadows on the upper right side of each dome in 3D, but thought the chrome sphere would add a surreal touch, kind of Steampunk or Victorian. So what does this image mean or what is it saying? Hmmm…I’m not really sure. I guess I’ll let you decide that. For me, my goal was to experiment and make something I thought was dreamlike. Goal met.
Day 149 of my 365 photo-a-day project