Today, while staring at a blank sheet of paper on my desk, trying to write out a to-do list and thoughts about future photo shoots, I had the idea of trying to create something reminiscent of M.C. Escher’s work, “Drawing Hands”. So much for the lists!
It was a very simple setup. Actually, it wasn’t really a “setup”. Tripod in front of the desk and nothing but existing light. I was really only shooting some test frames to see if I could figure out a good way to proceed. Apparently, whatever I did was the way to do it!
I won’t bore you with all of the details on the processing for this, but basically I created a base background layer, a shadow later, and a foreground layer with the hands. I then combined all three into a separate layer, created the charcoal look in Topaz Impression, added the result to the background layer, and then lather, rinse and repeat!
Day 106 of 365.