With the state of current affairs in our world today, the need to unplug, get outside, forget about everything, and just be in nature is paramount. This shot was me doing just that. I wanted to create something that was peaceful and calm, yet also had a dark moody undertone that reflected the nature of the human race.
We are all so different, yet we are also all created equal. Of all the unknowns in our world, I do know this: we are born, we live, and we die. You have a choice on how you live. Choose wisely.
The title of this photograph comes from a song by Beth Nielson Chapman in which she deals with the death of a spouse and acknowledges her own mortality.
“All alone, I came into the world
All alone, I will someday die
Solid stone is just sand and water, baby
Sand and water, and a million years gone by”
–Beth Nielson Chapman, Sand and Water
Day 45 of my 365 photo a day project.