Opposite – Word Play

“It belongs to the imperfection of everything human that man can only attain his desire by passing through its opposite”
–Soren Kierkegaard

When I shot the word “Open” I had no idea where the image was going to take me.  But there was something about it that made me slow down, turn around, stop, and take several shots.  So an idea was there – even if it was in the subconscious.  While processing, I remembered the “Closed” sign I had shot sometime last year and thought the juxaposition of the two images would work really well. I like the yin/yang, day and night, warm & bright versus dark & cool, word play in this piece.

Day 27  of my 365 photo a day project.

Opposite - Word Play
Opposite – Word Play

If you are looking for art for your home or office or something to spice up your digital desktop, this image and most of the others from this project are available as prints and digital downloads.  You can also check out the rest of my portfolio here.

By Scott Norris

Emotion. Mood. Feelings. This is what I capture through my photographs. Whether it is landscapes, architectural elements, still life, or macros - it is a very personal journey as my own fears, triumphs, beliefs, and shortcomings are exposed with each photo. In the end, it is all about telling compelling stories.